The French Bulldog resembles a in miniature, except for the large, erect “bat ears” that are the breed’s trademark feature. The head is large and square, with heavy wrinkles rolled above the extremely short nose. The body beneath the smooth, brilliant coat is compact and muscular. The bright, affectionate Frenchie is a charmer. Dogs of few words, Frenchies don’t bark much—but their alertness makes them excellent watchdogs. They happily adapt to life with singles, couples, or families, and do not require a lot of outdoor exercise. They get on well with other animals and enjoy making new friends of the human variety. It is no wonder that city folk from Paris to Peoria swear by this vastly amusing and companionable breed.
Height: 11–13 inches
American Canine Association Continental Kennel Club Universal Kennel Club International American Kennel Club United All Breed Registry America's Pet Registry, Inc. United Kennel Club (Based on breed recognition. See store for details on this particular puppy.)
19th century England is when breeders developed a lap version of the English Bulldog, resulting in what they called a Toy Bulldog. With the Industrial Revolution enticing people to France, they took along their Toy Bulldogs and soon the breed became known as the French Bulldog.
Small, 12” at the shoulders, weighing anywhere from 22-28 pounds. Their body is solid, muscular and sturdy, bat-like erect ears, an under bite, with a short coat comes in colors of white, fawn, brindle, brindle with white, or fawn with white, and sometimes a corkscrew tail.
The French Bulldog has a life expectancy of 10-12 years and are prone to bloat, respiratory issues, joint diseases, spinal disorders, eye problems, and heart defects. This breed is also prone to heat stroke, cannot tolerate hot weather and must live in an air conditioned home.
The French Bulldog is playful, clownish, curious, good-natured, and a natural lap-warmer. They are also impish, intelligent, and independent! They love their family, are excellent with children, and have been known to show possessiveness of family members. Because they are independent thinkers they can sometimes be a challenge to train and do best when motivational positive techniques are used. They do require a confident and consistent person in charge who uses only humane leadership guidance. They are fun to live with and quiet – except for their snoring!
Requires a daily walk with off leash playing to keep them exercised. Loves outdoor exercise, but get your veterinarian’s permission before exercising your French Bulldog in hot weather.
The French Bulldog has the appearance of an active, intelligent, muscular dog of heavy bone, smooth coat, compactly built, and of medium or small structure. Expression alert, curious, and interested. Any alteration other than removal of dewclaws is considered mutilation and is a disqualification. Proportion and Symmetry--All points are well distributed and bear good relation one to the other; no feature being in such prominence from either excess or lack of quality that the animal appears poorly proportioned. Influence of Sex--In comparing specimens of different sex, due allowance is to be made in favor of bitches, which do not bear the characteristics of the breed to the same marked degree as do the dogs.
Head large and square. Eyes dark in color, wide apart, set low down in the skull, as far from the ears as possible, round in form, of moderate size, neither sunken nor bulging. In lighter colored dogs, lighter colored eyes are acceptable. No haw and no white of the eye showing when looking forward. Ears Known as the bat ear, broad at the base, elongated, with round top, set high on the head but not too close together, and carried erect with the orifice to the front. The leather of the ear fine and soft. Other than bat ears is a disqualification. The top of the skull flat between the ears; the forehead is not flat but slightly rounded. The muzzle broad, deep and well laid back; the muscles of the cheeks well developed. The stop well defined, causing a hollow groove between the eyes with heavy wrinkles forming a soft roll over the extremely short nose; nostrils broad with a well defined line between them. Nose black. Nose other than black is a disqualification, except in the case of the lighter colored dogs, where a lighter colored nose is acceptable but not desirable. Flews black, thick and broad, hanging over the lower jaw at the sides, meeting the underlip in front and covering the teeth, which are not seen when the mouth is closed. The underjaw is deep, square, broad, undershot and well turned up.
The neck is thick and well arched with loose skin at the throat. The back is a roach back with a slight fall close behind the shoulders; strong and short, broad at the shoulders and narrowing at the loins. The body is short and well rounded. The chest is broad, deep, and full; well ribbed with the belly tucked up. The tail is either straight or screwed (but not curly), short, hung low, thick root and fine tip; carried low in repose.
Forelegs are short, stout, straight, muscular and set wide apart. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet are moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well split up, with high knuckles and short stubby nails
Hind legs are strong and muscular, longer than the forelegs, so as to elevate the loins above the shoulders. Hocks well let down. Feet are moderate in size, compact and firmly set. Toes compact, well split up, with high knuckles and short stubby nails; hind feet slightly longer than forefeet.
Acceptable colors - All brindle, fawn, white, brindle and white, and any color except those which constitute disqualification. All colors are acceptable with the exception of solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, black and white, and white with black, which are disqualifications. Black means black without a trace of brindle.
Coat is moderately fine, brilliant, short and smooth. Skin is soft and loose, especially at the head and shoulders, forming wrinkles.
Correct gait is double tracking with reach and drive; the action is unrestrained, free and vigorous.
Adaptable, Playful, Smart
Any alteration other than removal of dewclaws. Over 28 pounds in weight. Other than bat ears. Nose other than black, except in the case of lighter colored dogs, where a lighter colored nose is acceptable. Solid black, mouse, liver, black and tan, black and white, and white with black. Black means black without a trace of brindle.
This breed cannot swim and should never be near open water without constant supervision and also wearing a dog life jacket. Loves to hunt mice Were originally bred by English lack makers in the 19th century.